Two-in-One Guest Book and Table Number: DIY Wedding Idea Tutorial

2023-03-09 02:14:10 By : Ms. Happy Cheng
Two-in-One <a href='/guest-book/'>Guest Book</a> and Table Number: DIY Wedding Idea Tutorial

When it comes to wedding planning, every detail counts. One way to add a personal touch to your wedding day is to create a DIY guest book that doubles as a table number. Not only will it serve as a keepsake to cherish for years to come, but it is also a practical way to assign guests to their tables.

DIY weddings have become increasingly popular in recent years as couples seek to save money and add a personalized touch to their special day. Creating your own wedding guest book/table number is a great way to achieve both of these goals.

To get started, you'll need a few basic supplies such as cardstock, a ruler, scissors, glue or adhesive tape, and a decorative pen. You may also want to add embellishments such as ribbon or stickers to make your guest book/table number extra special.

First, decide on the size you want your guest book/table number to be. A standard size is usually 5x7 inches, but you can adjust this to fit your needs. Then, cut your cardstock to size using a ruler and scissors. You'll want to cut enough pages to accommodate all of your guests, but be sure to leave room for table numbers as well.

Two-in-One Guest Book and Table Number: DIY Wedding Idea Tutorial

Next, you'll want to design your guest book/table number. You can choose to create your own design or use a template from a wedding website. Once you have your design in place, print it out on your cardstock pages.

The final step is to add any embellishments you desire. This is where you can get creative and add your personal touch to your guest book/table number. You can use ribbon, stickers, or other decorative elements to make it unique.

Creating a DIY wedding guest book/table number is not only a fun project, but it is also a great way to save money and add a personal touch to your special day. It is a simple yet effective way to keep track of your guests and assign them to their tables without having to purchase separate table numbers.

In conclusion, a DIY wedding guest book/table number is an easy and affordable project that will add a personal touch to your wedding. With a few basic supplies and some creative inspiration, you can create a unique keepsake that will be cherished for years to come. So why not try your hand at DIY and make your special day even more memorable with a personalized guest book/table number? Try searching for keywords like 'DIY wedding guest book' or 'DIY wedding table number' on Project Wedding and get inspired!